Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter heroics

I have just been interrupted by the words "there's another short called Mars". Ah, and to think I once dreamed of working for FHM. I am however pleased to be able to offer these Easter ditties to you, only one of which was written by me... (the other being published illegally and without permission).

Higgledos piggledos
Jesus of Nazareth
Died on Good Friday
And then rose again.
Said to his drinking mates
See you on Sunday
At quarter to ten.

Higgledy piggledy
Judas Iscariot,
apostle whose sense of
the creed was amiss,
'sterious guy who
b'lated and gnostically
proved before Cher that
it's all in his kiss.

Now off to Mars I go.


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